Social Realm
This accounts for how we use the stones to help us form relationships with others. Each stone is unique, like each person. Stones are big or small, they are tall or short, they are fat or slender, they are different in color, but they are all stones. Not one of them is more a stone than another — like us!
Pet Day by Maddie
Once upon a time there was a boy. He wasn’t the most normal kind of kid. He had his own lion, giraffe and peacock and lots more.
He was nine years old, and still never went to school. Finally it was time to go. He had a lot of trouble. Then came ‘bring your pet day’.
He was chosen to do it. And he brought his pet zebra. Some kids went home black and blue. (P.S. Never poke a zebra.)
Knowle West Children's Centre, Bristol UK-Staff Project
The Children's Centre really embraced Stonework Play, introducing it to the children, families and staff. The Stonework Inspires Storytelling project was initially introduced during a staff meeting.
A range of adults were involved. The adults all looked at one another's work and then read out someone else's narrative. There was a great deal of respect and verbal affirmation after each one was read out. The staff all produced very different stone patterns and the depth of response in their writing varied, Some people talked about a personal journey, other people mentioned family and someone spoke of a bereavement.
This shows the emotional impact of these stories and narratives, and the comment was made that stones made time for you to be able to think about important things. Staff who participates in Stonework Play understand more clearly its effect on the imagination, therefore will implement it more freely and consistently with their children. The ability to work with stones is available in the classrooms as well as outside on a daily basis.
Daddy's Face on Father's Day by Juliet
“It is called a circle and has stones on it. It is a picture of my Daddy’s face” (Father’s Day)
When she said matter-of-factly, this is my Daddy's face. The father beamed with joy and had tears in his eyes. (Boston Children’s Museum)