Inner_Realm: The Discovery Museum, Acton, MA
This includes the imagination and the neurological wiring of the brain through cognition and imagination. This accounts for the ability of the stones to stimulate an internal narrative.
Social_Realm: the Boys and Girls Club of Fitchburg, MA
This accounts for how we use the stones to help us form relationships with others. Each stone is unique, like each person. Stones are big or small, they are different, but they are all stones.
Imaginative_Realm: Otisco Lake, Amber, New York
The accessibility of the stones makes them ideal natural objects for stimulating our own imaginations-— superhero, animal god, soldier, and mother.
Material_Realm: Simon’s family, Virginia Beach, Virginia
The stones allow us to experience storytelling with all of our senses. They were around long before we were, and will be around long after we have gone.